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Our Vision and Strategy

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To continue to be relevant to our stakeholders and ensure we are resilient enough to add value we must look beyond our immediate horizon to how we will make a difference over the next 5-10 years.

“Our strategy for the next decade is to build and establish our relevance for industry, practitioners, academia and society.

Our purpose

Working to engineer a better world

"Working to engineer a better world" is our mission and we will use our influence, knowledge, and expertise to champion the role of Test Engineering in the future of our society and our planet.

Technology is opening up vast opportunities to connect people across the world, develop systems that offer us all safer, longer and healthier lives whilst using our natural resources more efficiently.

Engineering feats and the technological advances we have not even dreamt about yet will be fundamental in solving these problems and embracing the future.

As we look to the the Society’s future, we need to continue to deliver solutions to evolving global challenges and remain relevant in an ever-changing world.

How we’ll do it

Become a Professional Institution, Licenced by the Engineering Council (EC)

To become a EC-Licensed Professional Institution we must work through three stages to achieve licensed status:

  1. Become a Professional Affiliate of the EC. As an Affiliate, the the Society will be acknowledged as an authority in the Test Engineering domain. We will then be able to test our standards and procedures against the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).
  2. We will follow the process laid down by the EC to meet the requirements to become one of the EC's "Licensed Engineering Institutions". For a probationary period, we will need to partner with an existing Licensed Institution to register our members. This arrangement will help us get members registered and test our capabilities to become a Licensed Institution in our own right.
  3. Achieve Licensed Institution Status through the EC submission and approvals process.  

We cannot guarantee a timetable for this but we aim to achieve the first stage by Q2 2023, the second stage by Q2 2025 and the third stage by Q2 2026.

Inspire, Inform and Influence

We have to continue to inspire, inform and influence audiences outside that we serve while remaining a diverse home for Test Engineering.

We’ll share knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter.

We‘ll inspire the Test Engineers of tomorrow to make sure that we have the greatest minds to help us solve the challenges the future brings.

We’ll influence governments and industries across the globe to build Test Engineering excellence into their education programmes and their professions.

Who we do it for

Our audiences are the reason we are here, and we must put them at the heart of everything we do

We need to remain relevant to our members, researchers, policymakers, and communities to stand the test of time. Our audiences are the reason we are here, and we must put them at the heart of everything we do.

Critically, we must join together, across the the Society, to show our audiences the breadth and depth of everything we can offer them.

The way we work

Our values are the way in which we work to achieve our mission and our vision


Operating professionally and ethically to gain trust, we must be open and honest with each other and respect everyone, valuing each other’s contribution.


Delivering the highest level of service and satisfaction, using all methods at our disposal, and seeking innovative solutions to add value. Our role is to continually improve and adopt appropriate practices for the good of engineering and technology.


Continuing to work together and recognise the value of talented individuals working in our teams and in our volunteer communities. More than ever we must be collaborative within the the Society and with our remit to partner with other like-minded organisations.

Our strategic themes

Our strategic themes will help us to frame our solutions, build strong propositions and bring together everything we do, across our directorates. It will ensure we develop a ‘one the Society’ view of each strategic theme and our full portfolio.

We will work across our staff and volunteer teams to create value that supports our audiences to deliver engineering and technology solutions through:

  • Engineering Excellence
  • Skills, Learning, and Networks
  • Research Solutions
  • Thought Leadership & Policy
  • Education

Our societal challenges

To continue to be relevant to our stakeholders and ensure we are resilient enough to thrive in a changing world, we must look beyond our immediate horizon to how we will make a difference over the next 5-10 years.

Our operational expertise

Main Boards and Operating Directorates

Our operational expertise can be found across Membership and Professional Development, Knowledge Services and Solutions, and Governance and External Engagement directorates, supported by our Main Governance Boards.

Our Five-Year Goals

We will champion excellence in Test Engineering, from the professionalism of our members to the trusted knowledge we share.

  • To gain recognition by recruiting a membership of 10,000 practitioners, with a global Test Engineering digital audience of 100,000.
  • To build a reputation as a leading provider of best-in-class information, intelligence and analytics in the Test Engineering domain.
  • To register 2,500 qualifiied Test Engineering practitioners.
  • To be a community, recognised and valued across the global Test Engineering family.