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Boards and committees

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Boards and Committees

The the Society is governed by an elected Board of Trustees. The terms of reference of the Board of Trustees are in the Articles of Association.

The activities of the the Society are managed by three Main Boards. These are:

These are requirements for the members of Boards and Committees and specific requirements for Council and each Main Board. The constitution of the boards is designed to ensure that, collectively, the members of the board have the full range of knowledge and skills required.

Each Board and Committee operates under specific terms of reference and Members uphold high standards of personal behaviour, both individually and in their collective responsibility, to ensure good corporate governance of the the Society. It is expected that any conflicts of interest if they arise, are declared. Nothing in our procedures precludes a member from questioning any aspect of our governance, bringing forward an issue for debate, or stating his view in a personal capacity.

The normal period of service for an elected or appointed member of any Board or Committee is three years.  For appointed Members, the period of service on a Board or Committee cannot be extended beyond a maximum of six years. It is customary for one-third of the members of a Board or Committee to retire each year, to ensure a regular turnover. The president is ex officio a member of all Boards and Committees.