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After you apply for CEng?

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Application submitted

At this point, our staff will check your application and send you an additional information request if needed.

Application reviewed

A pre-interview assessment of your application will be undertaken by trained and experienced registered the Society Members. Where required, additional evidence of competence and/or knowledge may be requested.

Find out more about supplying additional evidence of knowledge.

Professional Review Interview

You will be interviewed by trained and experienced registered the Society Members.

The interview should last approximately one hour, and this includes a short presentation of about 15 minutes. Watch our video for a little more insight into the Professional Review Interview and how to prepare for it.

Video TBA.

Final Peer Review

We will carry out a final review to ensure a fair outcome.

Applicant Notified of Outcome

You will be notified in writing of the decision, if you have been successful you will be required to pay the Engineering Council Entrance Fee to finalise the registration process. 

Once this has been paid your details will be submitted to the Engineering Council.

If you have been unsuccessful, don’t panic we will guide you on what you can do next.