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Am I Eligible?

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About the CEng Competence and Commitment standards

Here you’ll find what is competence and what is commitment in relation to the CEng standards.

What is competence?

Competence is your ability to carry out a task to a high standard. In this case, it is against the UK-SPEC standard. It is a combination of the right level of knowledge, understanding and skills. You can develop competence with a combination of formal and informal learning, training and experience.

When you apply, there are five general areas of competence that are assessed:

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Design, development and solving engineering problems
  • Responsibility, management or leadership
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Professional commitment.

What is commitment?

Commitment is the demonstration of dedication and engagement to the engineering profession, society and environment. When you apply you will need to show you have adopted a set of values and behaviours that uphold the high reputation of your profession.

You will be required to provide evidence of:

  • Maintaining public and employee safety
  • Undertaking work in a way that protects the environment and contributes to sustainable development
  • Complying with codes of conduct, codes of practice and the legal and regulatory framework
  • Managing, applying and improving safe systems of work
  • Carrying out the CPD necessary to maintain and enhance competence in relation to duties and responsibilities
  • Exercising responsibilities in an ethical manner
  • Recognising inclusivity and diversity
  • Adopting a security-minded approach
  • Actively participating within the profession.

Extract from the UK-SPEC Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment

Download the Full UK-SPEC Standard

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